Sacramento County Developmental Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council

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​The Council s​hall:

(a) Encourage and Advocate  development and maximum utilization of services and resources for individuals with developmental disabilities;
​(b) Advise  the Board of Supervisors with respect to all matters affecting the needs and rights of individuals with developmental disabilities;
(c) Council and Advise officials and boards of the public and private agencies in this County who serve or should serve individuals with developmental disabilities.
(d) Provide a Forum  for individuals experiencing problems with service resources or service systems to bring complaints; and
(e) Be Independent  from other advisory boards established pursuant to any provision of State law, provided that the Council shall coordinate its  efforts, where appropriate, with other Councils, Boards, and advisory agencies concerned with individuals with developmentally  disabilities.​

Meeting Agenda


Meeting Material

​Meeting Minutes & Executed Materials​

Meeting Archives​

Questions or Comments:

Steve Andrews:​​

​Request for Accommodations

​Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for interpreting services, assistive listening devices or other considerations should be submitted to the Clerk of the Board's office by calling (916) 874-5411 (voice) and CA Relay Services 711 (for the hearing impaired), no later than five working days prior to the meeting or as soon as reasonably possible.