Veterans Advisory Commission

Sign Up to Receive​ Notifications of Upcoming Meetings

The purpose of this commission is to represent all veterans in Sacramento County by advising the Board of Supervisors and County Staff generally on matters pertaining to veterans, holding informal public meetings, providing the public with information, and receiving comments relative to veterans’ issues.

The Veterans Advisory Commission welcomes public participation at the meetings and conducts meetings in the manner pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, Section 54950, of the California Government Code. 

Agenda, Material, an​d Action ​Summary​​​​

​Questions or Comments:

Rochelle Arnold, County Service Veterans Officer

(916) 874-3775
2007 19th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (weekdays)

​Request for Accommodations

Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for interpreting services, assistive listening devices or other considerations should be submitted to the Clerk of the Board's office by calling (916) 874-5411 (voice) and CA Relay Services 711 (for the hearing impaired), no later than five working days prior to the meeting or as soon as reasonably possible.​