City Selection Committee ​Meeting

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The City Selection Committee of Sacramento County “The Committee” is comprised of a mayor from each incorporated city within the county pursuant to Sections 50270 – 50279.2 of the California Government Code.  The purpose of the Committee is to appoint city representatives to boards, commissions, and agencies as required by law. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is the Ex-Officio Clerk to the Committee.

The Committee welcomes public participation at the meetings and conducts meetings in the manner pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act, Section 54950, of the California Government Code.  Meetings are held as appointments are needed pursuant to the California Government Code and therefore meeting locations may alternate at various locations within the Sacramento area.

Questions or Comments:

Florence Evans, Ex-Officio Clerk
(916) 874-5451
700 H Street, Suite 2450
Sacramento, CA 95814
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (weekdays)

Meeting Material

Document Type
September Agenda Packet09/26/2024Agenda
May Agenda Packet05/13/2018Agenda