Boards and Commissions

The Clerk of the Board prepares a list of current and upcoming board and commission vacancies every month. This list provides a brief description of the function of the board or commission, the number of vacancies and types of members needed, a contact person to answer questions and the filing dates when the Clerk's office will be accepting applications. This monthly update is posted on the web site and copies are posted at all library branches.

To view current vacancies and download an application,
please click on the links below which all require Adobe Acrobat Reader  



Application and Instructions 
Please use this application when applying for the County Planning Commission and the Arden Arcade, Carmichael/Old Foothill Farms, Fair Oaks, and Rio Linda/Elverta Community Planning Advisory Councils 
The application below is to be used when applying for all other boards

LOCAL AP​POIN​TMENT​S L​IST​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Boards, Commissions and Committees
to which appointments are made by the Board of Supervisors

(The Maddy Act - Government Code Section 54972)​
